Waltham Forest Equalities

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Community outreach begins!

As we move into August, the team have been discussing with residents and community groups how inequalities impact ability to make a living for some groups more than others. We are conducting targeted engagement with certain groups who are most likely to face structural inequalities when trying to make a living: Disabled people; Black men; Economic migrants and refugees; Older residents; South Asian Women; and Young people

If you identify as one of these groups please email connecting.communities@walthamforest.gov.uk as we would love to hear from you:

You can also get involved by going to the 'Have a Say' section, where you can start a conversation, reply to others, or take our quick survey. To stay involved, please sign-up through your email to this page.

Posted on 28th July 2021

by WF EDI team

Autumn: People's Inclusion Summit

The People's Inclusion Summit will bring all of the community outreach with the groups most effected by inequalities around the theme of making a living, and deliberate through a series of roundtables, discussions and hackathons. These sessions will be open to everyone in the borough to attend. If you would like to keep updated with how to get involved, please sign up to this page with your email to receive updates on the dates, locations or email connecting.communities@walthamforest.gov.uk

Posted on 28th July 2021

by WF EDI team

28-30 August: Family Friendly Workshops and performances

Over the bank holiday weekend we will be hosting a series of workshops and performances where we will discuss how inequalities impact residents' ability to make a living. Sign up with your email to receive all of the latest news from the project.

Posted on 27th July 2021

by WF EDI team

14th August: Fellowship Feast Community Picnic

Over 200 residents will be attending the Fellowship Feast Community Picnic at the newly-opened Town Hall, the heart of Fellowship Square. The project team will be on hand to discuss with residents, representative of our diverse borough, the inequalities faced by some communities in making a living in Waltham Forest. Sign up with your email to receive all of the latest news from the project.

Posted on 27th July 2021

by WF EDI team

August: No Space for Hate Young Ambassador training sessions

Throughout August ever Wednesday there will be No Space for Hate training sessions run for Young Ambassadors. The first of these will take place on the 4th August. Sign up with your email to receive all of the latest news from the project.

Posted on 27th July 2021

by WF EDI team